Justine Capelle b1995 Roeselare (BE)  



 .documentary artist

Based on her documentary studies, she always starts from reality and makes work from there with proofs, real documents and so on. Documentary film is the recognition of art, a story in real life. More and more she began to see other art forms in reality other than video. Such as a bruise from an accident that she saw as a drawing of a car. The sea moving back and forth she sees as a painter. She calls it ART TROUVE. With art trouvé she creates her own reality, a way of living and surviving in which she makes everything possible and changes the meaning of things and objects. Thus she corresponds with the contrasts between the intimate and public, the visible and invisible, reality and fiction, art and life.

Justine's movies have been shown all over the world.Her short film Maregrave was selected for IDFA, more than 10 international film festivals, and was awarded twice. After that Justine finished Over the Top.The film premiered at FIFA Montreal in the "something new" category and was screened in Palazzo Grassi in Venice. Her most recent movie The Los Sail is distributed by Argos and is currently traveling around in places such asLeuven kortfilmfestival,Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen and so on.